Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Can't Wait Till Next Year!

Dear Parents, Friends and Volunteers,

We have just about wrapped up all the loose ends for this  year's VBS. Before we go silent, I wanted to thank everyone who made SonWest Round Up a great event for our children. From the volunteers, the churches that support our efforts, and finally, to the parents and grand parents, the aunts and uncles, who invited children to spend a week playing, singing, building and learning about the love of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

We will let you know when we start work for next year's VBS. If you can, please fill out the survey so we can get a sense of what went well and what we need to improve. If you can't get the survey to work, feel free to write to us at And if you don't currently have a church home, we cordially invite you to visit one (or all!) of the churches that supported Wellsboro VBS this year. They all have great Sunday School programs for you and your children.

Have a great summer,

Gabe Hakvaag
Wellsboro Area Vacation Bible School

First Presbyterian Church of Wellsboro
Phone: (570) 724-3431
130 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA

United Methodist Church of Wellsboro
Phone: (570) 724-1968
36 Main St, Wellsboro, PA

Vineyard Church of Wellsboro
Phone: (570) 723-VINE (8463)
Meeting at 130 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA

Crossroad Family Worship Center
Phone: (570) 439-3185
16 Pearl Street, Wellsboro PA

Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church of Wellsboro
Located at the corner of Pearl and Charles Streets, Wellsboro, PA
Phone: (570) 724-4771