Saturday, April 27, 2013

So who are these people?

I've been asked the question a lot: who are the Wellsboro Area Vacation Bible School?

Here's the formal answer: The Wellsboro Area Vacation Bible School is a cooperative effort supported by many area churches to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our youth.

Here’s the less formal answer: what started as a VBS program at First Presbyterian Church was transformed by the simple idea that sharing the Gospel is, at its very root, an invitation. We invite our children to enter into the story of the Jesus, invite them to see how much He loves us, invite them to understand why He gave His life for us, and invite them to accept His gift of a redeemed life. Yes, we dress it all up in fun activities and games and such, but all that just makes it more of a party. And if you want to have a great party, you need to invite everyone.

And that’s what we did. We invited our friends at The Vineyard Fellowship to bring their children and join us. Soon we invited the good folks at The United Methodist Church, Middlebury Baptist, Crossroads Family Worship Center and more. This year we are being supported by the Vestry of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church. But more important is the fact that our children are inviting their friends, regardless of their church affiliation. Indeed, last year we saw more families attend who have no church affiliation than ever before. Children aren’t terribly concerned about denominations, but they do love seeing friends from school and having a great time with them at VBS.

So think of Wellsboro Area VBS as an invitation: our invitation to you to participate as a volunteer, your invitation to your children to spend a week immersed in the story of the Exodus, your child’s invitation to friends and neighbors to come together and celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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