Sunday, June 16, 2013

Count down to VBS - Day Three!

Our VBS count down continues with the theme for Day Three - Ultimate Rescue

In Western movies and TV shows, the rescue comes at a very specific moment - right on time. Just as the rustlers are setting the house on fire, just as the train is barreling down on the  heroine, still tied to the tracks, just as the hero fires his last bullet, the bugle sounds and here comes the calvary, over the hill to save the day! Our hero has tried, has fought the good  fight, but ultimately, that calvary is what saves him. He didn't do anything to bring the calvary; it came.

But the rescue didn't happen at that moment. Someone sent the calvary before hand. If you think about it, the rescue happened the moment someone said "saddle up, men.  We ride at dawn!" Salvation was at hand, the hero just waiting to receive it.

So it is with the salvation God provided by sending Jesus. Our rescue from the darkness has already happened. We just are waiting to see it. In some cases, we  are waiting to understand that we need it! Maybe it's our refusal to see  we need to be rescued  that creates all the drama. Maybe that's why it always comes at the last minute, because that's when we finally realize that we aren't ok, that we need help, drastic help, salvation! And at that moment, over the hill rides the calvary. But remember, we didn't summon that help - it has been racing towards us all this time!

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