Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Seven Days to Go!

I see the tents set up for Laurel Festival, and  that means just one week until SonWest Round Up begins! Lot's of final details are coming together. Volunteers are appearing just where we need them. And children are beginning to pre-register. It's all very exciting, and a bit stressful! But as the leaders of the Wellsboro Vacation Bible School meet and finalize plans, we are all reminded that all of this comes together under God's guidance. We certainly plan and push to do as much as possible, but when plans fall apart, when opportunities go away, we all need to seek God's peace and see what He is offering instead. It can be quite a roller coaster, but as long  as we are faithful,  God provides, God directs, God sows and God harvests.

So if you see me bustling around town with a harried frown on my face, put  a  hand on my shoulder and  remind me to keep listening. When  we are doing God's work (and I truly hope we are) then we have to admit we don't know how it started or where it ends. Our role is to listen, to stay open, and to follow.


PS  - if, along with  that whole shoulder touch thing you also  want to volunteer in any capacity - that's cool too!

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