Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day Two of SonWest Round UP!

Day Two of SonWest Round Up Vacation Bible School is today, at The Green at 6pm. Oh, and it's free!
Day Two - Ultimate Power

Bible Verse:
Exodus 3:1—4:31

Jesus Said
 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

What's The Point?
God used His power to help Moses. Jesus’ power is big enough to help me— no matter what!

Arts & Crafts

Red Rover

Today in the town of Dirt Clod:
A stranger arrives in town with a shiny badge and sure aim. But Dirty Darryl is also a good shot. Will Lilly get her letter back? Will Hank be confused? (well, yes, because he's always confused)

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